Current Electric - Los Angeles

About Current

32 Ford horn with Current logo

Los Angeles, CA

We are proud to call Los Angeles, California our home. As the hot rod capital of the world, Los Angeles has a rich history of automotive innovation and creativity, and we are honored to be a part of that legacy. As a team of seasoned hot rodders and engineers, we are dedicated to carrying on the tradition of building unique, high-performance vehicles that push the boundaries of what is possible. Contact us and discover the possibilities at Current Electric Vehicles in the heart of Los Angeles.

Meet the team

We're a group of family and friends passionate about building amazing cars and automotive technology.

Brian Dilley
Brian DilleyChief Executive Officer & Co-Founderbrian@current-la.comSoftware engineer, serial entrepreneur, H4X0R.
Bryan Garst
Bryan GarstChief Car Builder & Co-Founderbryan@current-la.comMaster car builder, metalworker, fabricator, hot rodder, teller of jokes
Nathan Cooke
Nathan CookChief Technology Officernathan@current-la.comHardware engineer, machinist, climber of rocks.
Gaby Dilley
Gaby DilleySenior Software Engineer & Co-Foundergaby@current-la.comSoftware engineer, consultant, feeder of strays
Curin Wilkerson
Curin WilkersonShop Assistantcurin@current-la.comJack of all trades, keeper of tools, mixer of drinks
Dale Switalski
Dale SwitalskiFabricatordale@current-la.comShaper of metals, builder of oddities, layer of clean beads
Jack Ingvardson
Jack IngvardsonFabricatorjack@current-la.comSheet metal master, precision fabricator, master of sparks
Caytlynn Dilley
Caytlynn DilleyGraphic Designer & Office Managercaytlynn@current-la.comBringer of animals, provider of snacks
Andrew Abraham
Andrew AbrahamInternandrew@current-la.comFuture engineer, thief of snacks
OswaldShop DawgMaker of slob, eater of cheese